Summer is here! This means long, hot days and bright, cherry gardens! Does your garden still need something extra to make it perfect? Well, there are flowers you can plant that will withstand the heat and thrive all summer long. These flowers will bloom fully with vibrant colors. Even though good soil, fertilizer, and proper care will help these flowers thrive, they actually don’t need a lot of watering or attention and can bloom in different types of soil.
Here are 5 flowers you can plant in summer to help you get the colorful garden of your dreams.

Best for Plant Hardiness Zone: 2-11
Type: Annual
Scientific Name: Tagetes Erecta
Marigolds are incredibly easy-going and reliable under a wide range of growing conditions. Because they are both easy to plant and easy to care for, marigolds are a staple in any summer garden. In fact, most thrive in full sun and they can even handle the reflected heat and light of paved surfaces as long as they get regular moisture. They are also not fussy about soil and can bloom better in the poorer soil as long as they are not constantly soggy.

Best for Plant Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Type: Perennial
Scientific Name: Aster Amellus
Aster’s don’t just come in purple or lavender. They can also come in pink, red, blue, or white flowers as well. These dainty flowers can withstand heat and can be enjoyed from spring through fall. These flowers make great border plants and add a soft touch to any garden. They are prone to mildew, so be careful to plant them in areas with good circulation and sun exposure. A fun fact about Aster: These flowers attract butterflies.

Best for Plant Hardiness Zone: 2-11
Type: Annual
Scientific Name: Zinnia x hybrida
Zinnias are flashy summertime favorites that are a cheap way to add color to your garden. They are one of the simplest, most colorful annuals to grow and attract beneficial insects, butterflies and birds. These flowers grow fast and are low maintenance, but do need full sun and monthly fertilizer. Zinnias come in larger varieties that can be used for borders and cut flower displays and small varieties for containers and window boxes.

Best for Plant Hardiness Zone: 6-11
Type: Perennial
Scientific Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Hibiscus blooms can grow surprisingly large to create eye-catching displays for your summer garden. Their flowers can even be consumed as food or in tea. Attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, hibiscus can provide a tropical feel no matter the climate. Coming in three varieties, these flowers do well in full sun and, depending on the type, can offer full blooms from spring to fall.
Blanket Flower

Best for Plant Hardiness Zone: 3-11
Type: Perennial
Scientific Name: Gaillardia Aristata
Gaillardia Aristata or Blanket flowers are from the Sunflower family. These flowers offer daisy-like red blooms with yellow tips with blooms that can grow up to 4 inches across. These flowers are called blanket flowers because they can cover whole fields. They like full sun and heat, so blanket flowers will thrive in summer through fall. They also attract butterflies and are deer resistant.