
Begonias are one of the most popular plants in the western world. Able to be used both indoors and outdoors, these plants are grown for both their leaf forms and their blooms. They are incredibly sturdy and able to be poked into the soil every spring to create lush flower beds. Begonias are durable, everblooming plants that will provide long-lasting color in both shady and low light conditions. They are incredibly easy to grow, needing only good drainage, moderate temperatures, and protection from direct sun. Begonias grow quickly and easily fill spaces in your garden or in your hanging baskets. They can be a focal point when planted in mass sections, or accents when used with other flowers. Begonias are also deer resistant, so keep them in mind for trouble spots in your landscape.


Begonias should be planted in partially shaded locations. Full sun during the hot summer can stress annual begonia plants, making them susceptible to disease. In general, if you live in an area that gets exceptionally hot, plant where they will get afternoon shade. As long as they get 4-6 hours of morning sun, they will still have beautiful blooms without scorching the plants. In cooler climates, begonias can tolerate more sun, so do not plant them in full shade.


Plant your begonias in well-drained soil. They can be planted in a well-drained garden or large pots 8 inches or larger. Larger pots will produce fuller blooms and better stability. Tuberous begonias are tender and can not be placed outdoors until all danger of frost has passed. That being said, they can be planted from February to June and still thrive. If you live in an area with hot summer temperatures, plant before the hot weather arrives. Tubers can also be planted indoors about 8 weeks before transplanting outdoors. In general, begonias will bloom in 12-20 weeks after planting. Warmer soil temperatures have an influence on advancing growth and bloom time.

Plant with tubers at least 2 1/2 inches deep. Use any porous, slightly acidic soil and place the tubers hollow side up with the top just below the surface. Keep the water moist, but do not overwater before growth appears. In 2-3 weeks, when the sprouts emerge, provide ample light. Begonias can be transported outdoors any time after good root development is apparent and top growth is not more than 4-5 inches tall. Use a mild fertilizer throughout the season. For best results, fertilize lightly in the first few weeks of planting to avoid an over-abundance of foliage growth and promote earlier bloom. When blooms appear, you can return to a regular fertilizing schedule.


Keep the soil around your begonias moist, but do not overwater. Begonias are susceptible to root rot, which can happen if you overwater your plants. Place your hose at the base of the plant and water until the soil surrounding is evenly moist. Never wet the leaves or flowers. Continual dampness can encourage diseases such as powdery mildew.

Begonias at Bengerts

Beaucoup Begonia

Partial sun

Red and rose

Hanging Baskets

Illumination Begonia

Shade to partial shade

Apricot, orange, and salmon

Hanging Baskets

Non Stop Begonia

Shade to partial shade

Red, white, pink, yellow, apricot and salmon

Hanging BasketsPotted Plants

 Wax Begonia


Red, Pink, White, Mixed

Annual Flats, Potted Plants

Rex Begonia


Potted Plants

Rieger Begonia


Potted Plants