These 9 garden beauties thrive in summer heat
and bloom nearly nonstop into fall!
1. Aster: These daisylike flowers are available in lavender, pink, or white.2. Gloriosa daisy: Deep golden petals radiate from chocolate centers on 2- to 4-inch-wide flowers.
3. Coreopsis: Fluffy, golden yellow blooms atop tall stems.
4. Dahlia: Bold blooms in a range of vibrant colors grow from tuberous roots.
5. Purple coneflower: Daisy flowers of rosy purple with knobby orange-brown centers, which resemble small beehives, atop clumps of bristly oblong leaves.
6. Gaura: White flowers cluster like butterflies atop tall spikes on these airy 2½- to 4-foot-tall plants.
7. Purple fountain grass: Feathery, rose-colored plumes fade to beige atop clumps of reddish brown foliage

8. ‘Moonshine’ yarrow: One of the most carefree and generous bloomers, yarrow has tight clusters of deep yellow flowers on 2-foot tall plants.

9. Penstemon: These bushy plants are fairly short lived, but to make up for it, they produce lots of trumpet-shaped blooms over a long period.